2019年7月15日 星期一

It’s Time for TikTok 一起來「抖音」吧

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2019/07/16 第411期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

It’s Time for TikTok 一起來「抖音」吧
The popular streaming app is currently the top destination for short-form videos.


  TikTok is the world’s most popular video-sharing app. Since it came out in 2016, it has been downloaded by over 500 million people. TikTok lets people create videos of themselves pretending to sing popular songs. As they lip sync, users will dance or do funny things to make their videos interesting. Users can even use special video effects to make themselves look like monsters, animals, or fashion models. Once the videos are finished, they can be shared online. Since the videos are under 60 seconds, they are quick and easy to make.
  TikTok videos are also addictive to watch, as they can provide a quick laugh. The app is most popular with kids and teenagers. It gives them a way to show off their personalities and connect with others. Some adults are also using TikTok to create silly videos and relieve some stress. Content on TikTok is always changing as well. Users are cooking, performing magic tricks, and showing off their pets to add variety to their videos. Whatever the future holds for TikTok, it’s sure to be fun!


1. streaming n. 串流,線上收看
ABC Sports now comes with free live streaming for mobile devices.
ABC 體育臺現在向用戶提供免費的手機直播服務。
* mobile n. 手機

2. download vt. 下載
All the computers at my office crashed after someone accidentally downloaded a virus.

3. addictive a. 令人沉溺的;使人成癮的
The problem with mobile games is that they can be addictive.

4. personality n. 個性,性格
Benjamin’s outgoing personality helps him make a lot of friends.
* outgoing a. 外向的

5. connect vi. & vt. 與……建立良好關係(常與介詞 with 並用)
Ivanka has an amazing ability to connect with different kinds of people.

6. content n. 內容
That magazine has nothing to offer in terms of content.

7. variety n. 多樣化,變化
Evan likes to eat at that restaurant because it has more variety.

8. whatever the future holds  不論未來發展如何
Whatever the future holds, we are ready for it.

大家看歌手現場表演時常會發現有人用對嘴的方式演出,它的英文就是 lip sync,而其中的 sync 是動詞 synchronize [ `sIGkrJ:nZIz ] 的非正式用法,表「(使)同步,(使)同時發生」。讓我們來看看該怎麼使用它們吧!

As long as singers look great in their videos and can lip sync well, people don’t care whether they are actually talented.
The show was designed so that the lights were synchronized with the music.

  抖音是世上最受歡迎的手機影片分享應用程式。自從它在 2016 年問世後,已被五億多人下載了。抖音讓人以假裝唱流行歌曲的方式來創作影片。使用者在對嘴的時候,他們會跳舞或是做滑稽的事情來讓影片變有趣。使用者甚至能用影片特效來讓他們看起來像怪獸、動物、或是時尚模特兒。一旦影片完成後,就可以放上網分享。因為影片不到六十秒,所以製作起來很迅速簡單。

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