2017年3月13日 星期一

Marathon Runner Tries to Bring Home a Piece of the Gobi 沙漠中遇見你 —— 超馬選手與小狗的溫馨邂逅

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2017/03/14 第289期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Marathon Runner Tries to Bring Home a Piece of the Gobi  沙漠中遇見你 —— 超馬選手與小狗的溫馨邂逅
An Australian marathoner found friendship in the heart of the desert.

  Dogs are man's best friend, but would your dog follow you on a 250-kilometer run across the open desert? For one very special dog, this was no problem.
  In June of last year, Australian marathoner Dion Leonard took part in the Gobi March, an ultra-marathon held once a year in China. When the starting gun fired, he noticed a dog running along with the racers. As the race continued, the small, light-haired, stray dog took a liking to Leonard and chose to run with him. Even when temperatures reached over 50 degrees Celsius, she was by his side. During the different stages of the race, the dog, now named Gobi, became his constant companion. When the race was over, though, Leonard was forced to say goodbye.
  Leonard had formed a close friendship with Gobi, and he wanted to adopt the stray and bring her to his home in Scotland. Therefore, he set up a crowdfunding campaign to raise the £5,000 it would take to bring Gobi home. In the end, the campaign raised nearly eight times that amount. Gobi now lives in the UK, and the extra funds will go towards finding homes for other stray dogs around the world.


  去年六月,澳洲馬拉松選手迪翁•雷納德參加了戈壁長征賽 —— 一項一年一度在中國舉辦的超級馬拉松賽跑。起跑槍響時,他注意到有一隻狗跟著選手們跑了起來。在賽程中,這隻小型淺毛色流浪狗喜歡上了雷納德,並選擇跟他一起跑。即使氣溫上升到攝氏五十度以上,牠還是陪在他身邊。在比賽的不同階段中,這隻現在名為戈壁的狗成為了他的忠實夥伴。但是比賽結束後,雷納德卻被迫與小狗道別。

  1. desert n. 沙漠;荒漠;荒涼的地方
    The desert stretches as far as the eye can see.
  2. stage n. 階段,時期
    Our dance performance is still at an early stage in development, but it looks great.
  3. constant a. 忠實的;持續不斷/經常發生的
    Amber and Zoe remained constant friends throughout their lives.
    Al disconnected the phone because he couldn't stand its constant ringing.
    * disconnect vt. 切斷(機器或設備的電力供應)
  4. be forced to V  被迫……
    Jenny hates to be forced to do anything against her will.
  5. form vt. 建立,形成
    Study habits are usually formed at an early age.
  6. adopt vt. 領養,收養;採用(方案、策略等)
    The Jacksons have been considering adopting a child for years.
    The school adopted new rules after two students were hurt during the fight.
  7. therefore adv. 因此,所以(正式用法)
    My legs are short. Therefore, I wear high heels to look taller.
  8. fund n. 基金,專款
    Andrew set up a trust fund for his children in case anything happens to him.

marathon n. 馬拉松賽跑
marathoner n. 馬拉松運動員
ultra- prefix(術語)超;外;極(度)
Celsius n. 攝氏溫度
companion n. 同伴,伴侶
stray n. 流浪/走失的動物 & a. 流浪/走失的
campaign n.(為取得某種結果而進行的政治、商業或社會性的)運動;(宣傳)活動

名詞 liking 的用法
本文 "... the small, light-haired, stray dog took a liking to Leonard and chose to run with him." 中的片語 take a liking to... 相當於 take to...,表『喜歡(上)……』,其中的名詞 liking 表『對某人 / 物的喜歡』。另外,還有一個用法 to sb's liking 表『對某人的胃口,合某人的心意』,常用於正式場合。例:

Carla has never taken a liking to bungee jumping, but her sister is crazy about it.
= Carla has never taken to bungee jumping, but her sister is crazy about it.

If the tea is to your liking, please feel free to have more.

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