The Dictators▼ Rulebook▼ 獨裁者手冊 National Geographic explores the lives of some of the most powerful dictators in modern history. 國家地理探索現代歷史中一些最強勢獨裁者的一生。
Throughout history and into the modern era, nations around the world have given rise to powerful figures. These dictators often use violence, torture▼, and threats to take control of their people. Once they are in the top position, they rule with an iron fist to make sure that they stay in power. National Geographic explores how six of the 20th century’s most infamous▼ leaders, from Saddam Hussein to Idi Amin, took control of their countries in The Dictators Rulebook. With human rights problems, work camps, poverty▼, and nuclear▼ weapons, North Korea seems to always be in the news these days. The first episode▼ of this six-part series takes a look at how North Korea’s first dictator, Kim Il Sung, took control of the North. It also examines the ways in which he got his people to believe he was almost a god. Due to his efforts, North Korea is still one of the most tightly controlled countries in the world today. Rulers who treat their people poorly all fall in the end. Tune in to The Dictators Rulebook on National Geographic to learn what finally brought an end to their violence and terror▼.
1. give rise to... 引起,導致 Mr. Johnson’s speech gave rise to a lot of yelling from the audience. 強森先生的演講引起了聽眾的叫囂。
2. figure n. 人物;數字 That comedian is a famous figure in the entertainment industry. 那位喜劇演員在娛樂圈是位知名人物。
3. violence n. 暴力;暴力行為 Nowadays, children are exposed to too much TV violence. 現今的孩子接觸到過多的電視暴力。 * expose vt. 暴露;顯露
4. threat n. 威脅;恐嚇 Nuclear war is a threat to the entire world. 核子戰爭是對全世界的威脅。
5. rule sth with an iron fist 以鐵腕政策統治某事物;以嚴厲態度統治某事物 The king ruled his nation with an iron fist and made everyone’s life painful. 那個國王實施鐵腕高壓統治,使人民過著痛苦的生活。
6. bring an end to... 結束,終止(某事物) They brought an end to the debate. 他們結束了這場辯論。
▼ dictator n. 獨裁者;霸道的人 ▼ rulebook n. 規則手冊 ▼ torture n. 酷刑;拷打;折磨 & vt. 對……施以酷刑,拷打;使折磨 ▼ infamous a. 惡名昭彰的;聲名狼藉的 ▼ poverty n. 貧困;貧窮 ▼ nuclear a. 核武的;核能的 ▼ episode n.(電視劇或是廣播節目的)一集 ▼ terror n. 恐怖(主義);恐懼