2018年10月22日 星期一

Walking on Water at Pitch Lake  彼奇湖讓你在水上漫步

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2018/10/23 第372期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

Walking on Water at Pitch Lake 彼奇湖讓你在水上漫步
Visit this one-of-a-kind lake where you can really take a walk on the wild side.



  When you think about going to a lake, you probably think about swimming or lying on a sandy beach to enjoy the sunshine. You would never dream about walking on the water. But that’s exactly what you can do at Pitch Lake in Trinidad, a body of water unlike any other.
  First of all, Pitch Lake doesn’t only contain water. It also has a mix of oil, clay, and tar called pitch. This sticky black goo is extremely thick, but still a liquid. Even so, the mixture can be walked on. Move too slowly, though, and you might start to sink.
  The lake is huge, 100 acres in size, and it could be over 70 meters deep in some places. Rather than swimming and other water activities, the pitch is mined for asphalt and sent around the world. It has been used to pave roads in over 50 countries to date. Experts say even if mining continues, the pitch could last for another 400 years. That means you’ve still got time to plan a trip there and see Pitch Lake in person.


















































1. unlike prep. 和……不同,不像
Unlike her sister, Jenny is very quiet.

2. contain vt. 含有,裝盛
Fried chicken is unhealthy and contains a lot of calories.
* calorie n. 卡路里

3. mix n. 混和 & vt. 混,混合
mixture n. 混和物
Dave’s retirement party was a mix of fun and excitement.
The formula includes a mixture of egg whites and milk.
* formula n. 配方;公式

4. sticky a. 黏的
My children’s fingers were sticky from all the candy they ate during the movie.

5. extremely adv. 極其;極端地
It is extremely dangerous to swim alone.

6. sink vi. 下沉,下陷,沉沒(三態為:sink, sank, sunk)
The wooden boat crashed into the rocks and sank.

mine vt. 開採;採礦 & n. 礦坑
Blood diamonds are precious stones that are mined in countries that are considered war zones.

to date  迄今;到目前為止
To date, over 200 people have been hurt in the terrorist attack.
* terrorist n. 恐怖分子


pitch n. 瀝青
tar n. 煤焦油瀝青;柏油
goo n.(令人生厭的)黏性物質(非正式用法)
▼ acre n. 英畝(土地丈量單位)
▼ asphalt n. 瀝青,柏油
pave vt. 鋪(路)
▼ mining n. 開採行為;採礦(業)


本文中的用語 in size 可用來表示「某物有……大」,其中介詞 in 加上不同的搭配字詞可以用以表達事物在「狀態、本質上」的描述。表達「(某人/物)有……高」可以用 in height;表達「某物有……長」可以用 in length;表達「某物有……深」可以用 in depth;表達「某物有……重」可以用 in weight。例:

Can you believe that Freddy is 180 centimeters in height?

The river is 200 kilometers in length.

The lake is not particularly deep since it averages about 12 meters in depth.





「在科技業加班是常態,工時長得令人筋疲力竭,回到家常常已是晚上 10 點,只能在睡前略讀一下,成效不彰。」以上是我的親身見證與故事,與您分享



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