2017年11月13日 星期一

The Sailing Stones of Death Valley  美國死亡谷「會走路的石頭」

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2017/11/14 第325期 訂閱/退訂看歷史報份直接訂閱

The Sailing Stones of Death Valley    美國死亡谷「會走路的石頭」
For decades, scientists wondered how these stones moved on their own.


   There is a place in the United States called the Racetrack Playa in the northwest corner of Death Valley National Park. It's a dried-up lake in one of America's hottest, driest, and lowest places. It's also home to rocks that move across the ground all by themselves.
   These strange rocks have been known for years to move across the dry ground and leave behind long, twisting trails. There have been many explanations for their strange movement, including everything from heavy winds to strange ice formations. Some people even thought it might be aliens or some magical force. In 2014, two scientists set up an experiment to figure it out once and for all.
   What the scientists found was that, under very particular weather conditions, rain would freeze overnight into thin sheets of ice. Then in the morning, the sun would warm the ice, which enables even a breeze to move the rocks across the partly melted ice. The results finally explained the mystery of Death Valley's sailing rocks as well as similar moving rocks around the world. While aliens moving rocks across the desert would have been amazing, the complex science behind the sailing stones is also pretty cool.








   這些奇怪的石頭因多年來在乾燥的地面上移動、留下綿長且曲折的痕跡而為人所知。有許多人針對它們奇怪的活動作出不少解釋,包含從強風到奇怪的結冰現象。有些人甚至認為這可能是外星人或是一些神祕力量所造成的。2014 年,兩位科學家開始了一項實驗來徹底解開這個謎團。


twisting a. 蜿蜒曲折的
explanation n. 解釋;理由
formation n. 形成物
alien [ `elIJn ] n. 外星人
experiment n. 實驗
condition n. 情況;條件
partly adv. 部分地
mystery n. 謎,神祕的事物

  1. decade n. 十年
    The toy company has been in business for two decades.
  2. magical a. 神祕的;神奇的;有魔力的
    No medicine is so magical that it can cure all illnesses.
  3. figure...out / figure out...  查清楚/弄明白……
    I can't figure out why Johnson won't move out of this dangerous neighborhood.
  4. once and for all  徹底地,一勞永逸地
    For your health, you should quit smoking once and for all.
  5. particular a. 特殊的;特定的
    This particular type of corn was introduced to the country 200 years ago.
  6. freeze vi. & vt. 結冰,使結冰
    When the temperature is below zero, water will freeze.
  7. enable vt. 使能夠;使可能
    The magical ring enabled the superhero to fly.
  8. complex a. 複雜的;難以理解的
    Professor Lai has the ability to express the most complex ideas clearly.

量詞 sheet 的用法
本文 "What the scientists found was that, under very particular weather conditions, rain would freeze overnight into thin sheets of ice." 中的 sheet 為冰的量詞,表「一層,一大片」的意思。除此之外,sheet 還可作為其他物品的量詞,表「一張,一片」。例:

a sheet of paper  一張紙
a sheet of glass  一片玻璃
a sheet of plastic  一片塑膠

A thick sheet of ice had formed over the water.

I need a blank sheet of paper to write answers on.

是一堂學習突破自我、找尋夢想的超酷研習課!前進美國休士頓 NASA詹森太空中心,親眼目睹如電影場景般並深入了解太空人培訓內容,激勵學生勇敢設定人生目標並努力追求卓越!


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